3D Images
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getami - display an RLE image on a Commodore Amiga and optionally
save it as an IFF ILBM file.
getami [-w width] [-h height] [-o IFFfile] [-fdlb3H] [input_file]
Getami displays an RLE image on a Commodore Amiga. The program tries
to display the image in the best possible way, using HAM mode and
overscan when appropriate. Both NTSC and PAL Amigas are catered for.
In addition, the program allows you to save the displayed picture in
IFF format, using Christian Weber's iff.library.
Getami understands the following options:
-w width Override the screen width computed by getami. Eg., use
-w 640 if getami selects a screen resolution of 320x400
(because the picture will fit in it), but what you really
want is 640x400.
-h height Override the screen height computed by getami.
Apart from the example mentioned above, these two options
are probably obsolete.
-o file Make getami act as an RLE->IFF converter: after rendering the
RLE file, getami saves the image in IFF form in the file
specified, then exits.
-f Render the image flipped vertically. This option is necessary,
because rleflip -v often requires more memory than available
on the amiga.
-d This option causes getami to dump the color map it computes
into file "cmap".
-l This option causes getami to ignore the color map it
computes, and to replace it with the color map stored in file
These two options must be used if you are using getami to
create IFF files to be used as frames for an ANIM file, as
all frames have to have the same color map.
-b Render the image in black and white. This allows you to
display pictures at full resolution. (To display in color a
640x400 picture with more than 16 colors, you need to scale
it down to 320x400, not to mention the unavoidable blurriness
introduced by Hold And Modify.)
-3 Render the image in 4096 colors without using HAM. This is
achieved by rendering the image in three screens, one for each
of its r,g,b components, then flipping through them in rapid
succession. Because of this rapid flipping, the image
flickers. This is especially noticeable in conjunction with
interlace. If you are sensitive to screen flicker, please do
not use this option.
-H Force rendering of the image in HAM mode. Useful in rendering
animation frames, if getami happens to render some of the
frames in HAM mode and some in another mode.
You can select the following actions from the menu bar:
SAVE Save the rendered picture in an IFF ILBM file. The picture will
be saved in a file with the extension ".ILBM". Eg., if you are
rendering a.rle, the picture will be saved in a.ILBM. If the
picture you are rendering comes from the standard input, you
will be asked to specify the name of the IFF file. This action
can also be invoked by pressing right Amiga-S.
SAVE AS Same as SAVE, but you are always asked for the name of the
IFF file. To cancel the save, simply give a null file name.
This action can also be invoked by pressing right Amiga-A.
These two operations can only be invoked if you have Christian
Weber's iff.library in your LIBS: directory. If you save a
picture which has been rendered with the -3 option, you will
actually create three files, with extensions ".r", ".g", and
".b", respectively. You can view this image using the show3
QUIT Exit the program. This action can also be invoked by pressing
right Amiga-Q, or by clicking on the invisible gadget at the
top left corner.
Eleftherios Koutsofios (ek@ulysses.att.com) wrote the first version of
this program, including the HAM rendering algorithm.
Kriton Kyrimis (kyrimis@theseas.ntua.gr) added support for intuition,
overscan, saving files, the B&W and 4096 color display modes, and made
all sorts of improvements.